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Turn website visitors into paying customers - marketing automation in action.

30 Nov 2023
Marketing Technology & SEO Theatre
Digital Marketing

We spend so much time on content and SEO, desperately trying to get traffic. Why do we do that? We can't pay page views into the bank. So instead of getting more visitors, come to this session to see how to convert the anonymous visitors you already get into identified leads you can market and sell to.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Understand what a website is really for: making money.
  2. Understand what marketing automation is (apart from a meaningless name).
  3. We'll show you that marketing automation is pretty easy.
  4. Small businesses can be better at marketing automation than big ones.
  5. Marketing automation doesn't need a big budget (unless you buy the wrong one).
Steve Baxter, Enterprise Marketing Manager - Zoho

Watch on-demand now!

We have a selection of our sessions from our 2023 event available to watch on-demand now. Re-immerse yourself in the exciting and engaging atmosphere of the B2B Marketing Expo and learn from the experts in B2B marketing.